Мошенники. Сайты, переставшие платить по каким-либо причинам.
Подсказка: Используйте сочетание клавиш CTRL + F, чтобы быстро найти в списке интересующий сайт.
(постарайтесь всё-таки сразу выбить с них деньги, это возможно)
Алфавитный указатель | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 0-9 |
- Wallbux.altervista.org - (Free domain, low script, no forum, derelict)
- Wallstreetbux.com - (Not paying, When you try to enter on forum: "TOO MUCH SPAMMER. DISABLE FOR A MOMENT")
- Waoindia.com - (Scammy design, 0,10$/click)
- Warpbux.com - (The forum was removed, not paying)
- Wasbux.com - (Does not pay)
- Waterbux.info - (No forum)
- Wavebux.com - (Admin is gone, the cashout is disabled)
- Wealthyclicks.com - (Does not pay, the forum is full of spam)
- Wealth-mail.com - ($100 referral bonus, stay away)
- Webbux.net - (Gen2 script)
- Webmastersbux.com - (Possible derelict)
- Website-hitz.com - (Forum is hidden, derelict)
- Western-mails.com - ($200 per e-mail, seller of dreams)
- Wbdbux.webseend.lt - (No forum, free domain)
- Wealwayspaybux.com - (Suspicious)
- Weebbbux.cz.cc - (Disappeared)
- Weedbux.com - (Domain Suspended)
- Weekendbux.com - (No forum)
- Weezybux.wu.cz
- Weidmanworks.info - ($0,01/click and $35payout)
- Welovebux.com - (Low script, The forum doesn`t work, Tos: "We have the right to suspend or terminate your account at any time, for any reason and without warning or notice")
- WePayBux.com - (Gone)
- Wepclix.com - (Does not pay)
- Westerunion-ptc.biz - (Low script, admin missing on forum)
- Whaleclicks.info - (No forum, derelict)
- Whaleofaptc.info - (Not paying. Complaints on forum)
- Whitefangptc.info - (Low script, no forum)
- Widebux.com - (Scammy design)
- Wikibux.com - (Low script, no forum, Scam 100%)
- Wildwestbux.com - (Derelict, low script)
- Willbux.com - (Owned by the same scammer like as eu-bux.com)
- Winbuy24.com - (Not paying)
- Winkbux.com - (The owner collect you password, Scam 100%)
- Wishbux.com - (No forum, no ads, possible scam)
- Wissbux.info - (Not paying, stay away)
- Wishingwellptc.info - (Possible paying, but delete my account without rhyme or reason)
- Wizzardsptc.info - (The forum doesn work)
- Wjob.eu - (No have forum)
- Wmg-bux.org - (Gone)
- Woelchcraftbux.com - (Gone)
- Wooxbux.com - (Not paying, admin missing on forum)
- Wonderful-mails.com - ($2000 per e-mail, seller of dreams)
- Wonderfulbux.com - (Derelict, low script)
- Wongapro.com - ("Hosting Account Has Been Suspended")
- Wordbux.com - ($1 per click, no forum, stay away)
- Workatus.info - (Low script, derelict)
- Workfromhomehq.com - (Stay away)
- Workhomebux.com - (Gone)
- Workmails.org - ("$500 Signup Bouns", seller of dreams)
- World-Bux.com - (Big scam. Same owner like bux3.com)
- Worldbux.co.cc
- Worldgpt.org - ($0,50 - $40 per click)
- Worldofbux.com - (Scam 100%)
- Worldwideptc.com - (No forum, $5-10 per click, $100 bonus for sign up, $500 payout)
- Wow-mails.com - ($2000 per e-mail, stay away)
- Wpp-points.info - (Free/low script, suspect)
- Wtfbux.com - (No has forum, but has forum button which takes you in another place, buxhost)
- Wubux.com - (Low script)
- Wyzad.ro
- Wwibux.com - (Low script, no has forum, incomplete TOS, the TOS is not 100% visible)
- Wwingmails.com