Нетрудовые доходы Четверг, 06.02.2025, 02:37

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***В раздел New sites (новые буксы - проверка) добавлен сайт omega-bux.com ***В раздел Elit sites (лучшие буксы) добавлен сайт antmoney.com ***Сайты bestwaybux.com,marihuanabux.com, paraylapara.com, truebux.com помещены в раздел Suspicious sites (Карантин)
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Территория доходов

Мошенники. Сайты, переставшие платить по каким-либо причинам.

(постарайтесь всё-таки сразу выбить с них деньги, это возможно)

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Подсказка: Используйте сочетание клавиш CTRL + F, чтобы быстро найти в списке интересующий сайт.

  1. A-n-cash.com - ($200 per e-mail, seller of dreams)
  2. A1surf.co.cc - (Free domain)
  3. A1surf.net - (No forum, suspect)
  4. A1surf.us - (No forum, suspect)
  5. A5bux.com - (gone)
  6. Aaaptc.com - (No forum)
  7. Aabgina.com - (Bux.to script, no has forum)
  8. Aahits.com - (No forum and not paying)
  9. Abandbux.com - (Many users are banned from forum, suspicious, not recommended)
  10. Aceofspadesbux.com - (Buxhost script, derelict)
  11. Acharaviclicks.info - (No forum, derelict)
  12. Acmebux.com - (The forum is empty)
  13. Acompbux.com - (Low script, no forum)
  14. Activebux.com - (Not paying, and now it disappeared)
  15. Activeclickers.com - (Last payment prof on forum was on 23.10.08, more complaints on forum)
  16. Ad-bux.info
  17. Adbuddy.net - (No forum)
  18. AdBux10.com
  19. Adbux.helloweb.eu - (Stay away)
  20. Adbux.cc - (Scam 100%, derelict, no forum)
  21. Adbux.org - (No forum)
  22. Adbux.net2hand.com - (Free domain, no forum, derelict)
  23. Adcash.org - ($1.00 Per Click, no forum)
  24. Adclicksptc.com - (Low script, in TOS not write about min. payment, $0.10 per click, the forum: "This board has no forums")
  25. Addictedclicks.net - (Scammy design, TOS say payout $5, but on script appear $1, The owner have antecedents with hippyptc and wizzardsptc who stop paying)
  26. Adexbux.com - (Derelict, buxhost)
  27. Adflasher.net - (No forum)
  28. Adibux.com - (Gone)
  29. Admadbux.com - (Free domain)
  30. Adptc.com - (Not paying all members)
  31. Ads.hypokill.caecus.co.uk - (Low script, free domain, no forum, stay away)
  32. Ads-begos.co.cc - (No forum, free domain)
  33. Ads-bux.com - (Scammy design, No forum, Scam 100%)
  34. Adsbuilder.info - (Nice design but not have forum)
  35. Adshow.co.tv - (Scammy design, no forum, free domain, total paid $ 195228)
  36. Adsensebux.uw.hu - (Scammy design)
  37. Adsforall.info - (No forum)
  38. Adshow.co.cc - (Scammy design, free domain, no forum)
  39. Adshow.eu - (Low script, no forum, not paying)
  40. Adsnetbux.com - (5ivebux script, the forum link exist but the forum not)
  41. Adsonlybux.com - (Low script, no forum, Tos: "We have the right to suspend or terminate ...")
  42. Adspacific.com - (Low script, no forum, no ads)
  43. Adsptc.co.cc - (Free domain, low script, the forum doesn`t work)
  44. Adstab.com - (Old Scam)
  45. AdultBux.info - (Scam 100%)
  46. Adv-bux.tk - (Scammy design)
  47. AdverBux.com - (Not paying)
  48. AdverCash.net - (Not paying)
  49. Advertising-bux.com - ("Our payout minimum is at $9999999", derelict, low script)
  50. Advertisementbux.co.cc - (Scam 100%)
  51. Advertsr.us - (No forum)
  52. Adversess.com - (Low script, no forum)
  53. Advisit.net - (Bux.to script)
  54. Adzblue.com - (Suspicious)
  55. Adzbux.com - (Low script, you are not allowed to promote this PTC, read more)
  56. Aebux.com - (Does not pay, gone)
  57. Aembux.com - (Domain Suspended)
  58. Aerobux.com - (No forum)
  59. Aff.si - (No forum, not paying)
  60. Afferinte.com - ($20 per e-mails, $200 sign-up bonus, payout $10000, no forum)
  61. Affiliate50bux.com - (Owned by Familybux.com)
  62. Affiliatedproductnetwork.com - (Low script, no ads, the forum not work)
  63. Aglocomails.com - ($100 per e-mail, stay away)
  64. Ahacash.com - (No forum, not paying)
  65. Ahbux.com - (Not paying, suspended accounts, no support)
  66. Ahmbux.com - (Low script, in TOS not write about min. payment)
  67. Aimeebux.com - (Abandoned)
  68. AirForceClicks.info - (No forum)
  69. Ajbux.com - (Low script, not paying, ask from altertpay address when register you)
  70. Al-nojoum.info - (Low script, forum doesn`t work)
  71. Alaskaptc.info - (No forum, possible derelict)
  72. Alb-astru-clicks.com - (Low script, in TOS not write about payment, "This forum is closed for now")
  73. Alertbucks.com - (Scammy design, no forum)
  74. Alertpaybucks.com - (No forum, low script)
  75. AlertGoldBux.com
  76. Alertpayrandomizer.com - (No forum, owner is scammer)
  77. Alertpayments.com - ($100 per e-mail, $50 ref bonus, no comment)
  78. Alertpaymoney.eu - (Gen2 script, no forum)
  79. Alexaclix.com - ($1082 -Total Paid...but this Ptc have few days)
  80. Alexandrabux.com - (Low script, not paying, possible derelict)
  81. Alexbux.com - (Low script, no forum)
  82. Alexsupr.buxsafe.com - (Scammy design, no forum)
  83. Alexzbux.h4f.biz - (Free domain, free script, no forum)
  84. Alfabux.com - (Gone)
  85. alliedbux.com - (Gone) стартовал 2011/06/16
  86. Allproclicks.com - (Domain Suspended)
  87. Allstarbux.com - ($10 per click, $10 per referral click, $1000 payout, low script)
  88. AlienBux.com
  89. Allybux.com - (Incomplete TOS or FAQ, TOS: "We do not take any responsibility for investments that you make", the forum is full of spam, possible derelict)
  90. Almightybux.com - ("This Site is temporarily Suspended for non-payment")
  91. Almondbux.com - ("This domain has been temporarily suspended")
  92. AlmostHonestPTC.info - (Scammy design)
  93. Alotofbux.com - (Suspicious)
  94. Alphabux.com - (Not paying)
  95. Alwayspay.com
  96. Aquabux.com - (Scammy design)
  97. Aqure.com - (Bux.to script, no forum)
  98. Amazingptc.com - (Not paying, no forum, low script)
  99. Amazonianbux.com - (Possible derelict, incomplete TOS/FAQ)
  100. Amdbux.com - (Has the same owner as WarpBux)
  101. Amerobux.com - (Suspicious)
  102. Amigoclicks.com - (No forum)
  103. AmirBux.com - (Low script, no forum)
  104. Ancestralclicks.org
  105. Andalucibux.es - (Low script, no forum, derelict, with the title "Andaluci-SCAM-bux", no comment)
  106. Andbux.net - (Not paying)
  107. Andreiuk.net - (It`s gone)
  108. Angel-mails.com - ($2000 signup "bonus", seller of dreams, stay away)
  109. AngelBux.com - (Old scam)
  110. Angelclix.info - (No forum)
  111. Angrybuisnessptc.co.cc - (Free domain, no forum)
  112. AntiScamBux.com - (Scammy design)
  113. Aobux.com - (Many complaints about non-payments in their forum, derelict)
  114. Apbux.com - (gone)
  115. Apbux.ovh.org - (Free domain, low script, no forum)
  116. Apinstant.com - (No forum)
  117. App-bux.com - (Domain Suspended)
  118. Apple-bizs.com - (Gone)
  119. Applebux.net - (Forum is empty, suspect)
  120. Appleptc.info - (Scammy design, no forum)
  121. Aqbux.com - (Does not pay, possible derelcit)
  122. Arclicks.com - (Not paying, forum inactive, possible gone)
  123. Arizonaptc.info - (No forum, possible derelict)
  124. Ara-bux.com - (Stay away)
  125. Aresptc.com - (Offline for more than 7 days, possible gone)
  126. Arbux.net - (Does not pay, no forum)
  127. Argentinabux.com - (Gone)
  128. Argenptc.com - (Scammy design)
  129. Argentinaptc.com.ar - (Free domain, low script, no forum)
  130. Arkebiz-ptc.com - (Payout is $200.00 and total paid is $7.00, very suspect)
  131. Arnbux.com - (Their forum is full of spam, suspicious)
  132. Aromabux.com - (Does not pay, derelict)
  133. Articlebux.com - (Derelict since 04-2009)
  134. Artistptc.info - (Not paying, no forum)
  135. Ashbux.com - (Gone, has the same owner as Andbux.net)
  136. AsianBux
  137. Asonewishes.com - ($100 per e-mail, $100000 payout, seller of dreams)
  138. assolobux.com - (gone)
  139. Astaurl.com - (Scammy design, no forum)
  140. Astebey.altervista.org - (Free domain, low script, derelict, $0.05 per click)
  141. Astralbux.com - (No has forum, has the same owner of fineptc.com, $0.03 per click)
  142. Asusbux.com - (Low script, make spam)
  143. Atapamabux.com - (No forum, low script, derelict)
  144. Atbux.com - Scam 100%)
  145. Atlascash.net - (Does not pay)
  146. Atomicbux.com - (Abandoned)
  147. Atomicptc.com - (No forum)
  148. Atomixclicks.com - (No forum)
  149. Auro-bux.com - (Domain Suspended)
  150. AuroraBux.com - (Low script)
  151. Austinbux.com - (Low script, no forum, Scam 100%)
  152. Autopaybux.com - (Not paying, derelict since March, forum is blocked, low script)
  153. autumnbux.com - (Domain Suspended)
  154. Avengerbux.com - (Owner is scammer)
  155. Averyptc.com - (Forum is closed, does not pay)
  156. Avinute.es - (Low script, no forum)
  157. Avobux.com - (Gone)
  158. Awardmails.net - ($100 per e-mail, no has forum)
  159. Awayinthemangerptc.info - (No forum, $5 per click, no news, derelict)
  160. Awesomebux.com - (Gone)
  161. Awsurveys.com
  162. Ayanbux.com - (Gone)
  163. Ayoclix.com - (The forum is gone or down, possible derelict)
  164. Ayotraffic.info - (No have forum)
  165. AzBux.com - (Not paying, contain more viruses)
  166. AzBux.net - (Their hosting account has been suspended)
  167. Aztecbux.com - (Scammy design, derelict, no ads)
Перевод сайта

Архив выплат
18-Feb neobux 4.00$
11-Feb olympia-seo 11.95R
09-Feb wmreklama 20.08R
08-Feb seosprint 30.91R
01-Feb seo-fast 20.00R
28-Jan surfsitmoney 29.80R
27-Jan seo-fast 20.69R
26-Jan seosprint 36.45R
25-Jan best-sar 10.16R
23-Jan no-minimum 1.50$
20-Jan profitcentr 29.04R
19-Jan openbux 1.04R
18-Jan krasnodarbux 1.05R
07-Jan wmmail 0.99$
06-Jan seosprint 33.13R
05-Jan wmzona 0.50$
04-Jan seosprint 30.77R
02-Nov tak 10.81R
02-Nov people-gr 1.01$
15-Sep seosprint 30.52R
11-Sep profitcentr 30.82R
11-Sep uh.ru 9.34R
08-Sep openbux 2.85R
27-Aug profitcentr 30.19R
25-Aug wmmail 1.07$
24-Aug ayuwage 5.04$
24-Aug seosprint 33.29R
17-Aug seo-fast 19.23R
15-Aug partner-bux 0.99R
14-Aug ebesucher 87.81R
12-Aug incentria 1.08$
11-Aug olympia-seo 5.12R
08-Aug earnvisits 10.10R
07-Aug kap-zar 4.86R
04-Aug seosprint 33.30R
23-Jun profitcentr 21.61R
23-Jun seosprint 21.78R
10-Jun seosprint 20.11R
04-Jun seosprint 20.87R
02-Jun vns-sc 01.58R
02-Jun seosprint 20.06R
30-May wmmail 1.10$
27-May best-sar 10.00R
25-May neobux 3.08$
23-May olympia-seo 11.21R
22-May seosprint 22.48R
18-May vprka 48.59R
13-May profitcentr 21.03R
12-May kap-zar 2.68R
12-May openbux 2.08R
11-May seosprint 22.32R
10-May seosprint 30.19R
06-May best-sar 3.93R
04-May ayuwage 5.03$
28-Apr seosprint 15.46R
28-Apr center-seo 7.59R
28-Apr profitcentr 17.57R
22-Apr seosprint 14.52R
22-Apr best-sar 4.74R
22-Apr advearn 2.27R
22-Apr profitcentr 19.62R
14-Apr seosprint 20.28R
13-Apr seopromox 5.45R
12-Apr seosprint 20.89R
07-Apr profitcentr 20.76R
02-Apr jillsclick 1.00$
01-Apr wmmail 1.04$
01-31 total earned 9.98$
17-Feb seo-fast 4.15R
17-Feb seosprint 51.51R
15-Feb ayuwage 4.86$
14-Feb multi-mail 0.23$
06-Feb profitcentr 15.65R
03-Feb seosprint 15.91R
02-Feb profitcentr 16.43R
30-Jan wmmail 3.21$
28-Jan clixsense 17.69$
28-Jan neobux 2.00$
27-Jan uh.ru 9.47R
26-Jan profitcentr 6.67R
20-Jan tak 4.90R
20-Jan antmoney 0.01$
20-Jan seosprint 3.03R
19-Jan wmzona 0.50$
19-Jan seo-fast 4.44R
16-Jan seosprint 37.78R
15-Jan profitcentr 5.87R
13-Jan best-sar 5.23R
07-Jan clixsense 9.41$
06-Jan ebesucher 102.43R
27-Dec incentria 1.02$
23-Dec wmreklama 14.41R
16-Dec profitcentr 10.99R
01-Dec neowm 1.06R
24-Nov seo-wr 2.20R
23-Nov best-sar 2.11R
03-Nov seo-wr 4.16R
01-31 total earned 32.50$
01-30 total earned 23.09$
01-31 total earned 47.77$
01-30 total earned 61.76$
01-31 total earned 215.64$
01-29 total earned 56.79$
01-31 total earned 47.76$
01-31 total earned 298.49$
01-30 total earned 208.8$
01-31 total earned 288.5$
01-30 total earned 410.6$
01-31 total earned 265.1$
01-31 total earned 107.3$
01-30 total earned 93.35$

Free counters!

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