Мошенники. Сайты, переставшие платить по каким-либо причинам.
Подсказка: Используйте сочетание клавиш CTRL + F, чтобы быстро найти в списке интересующий сайт.
(постарайтесь всё-таки сразу выбить с них деньги, это возможно)
Алфавитный указатель | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 0-9 |
- A-n-cash.com - ($200 per e-mail, seller of dreams)
- A1surf.co.cc - (Free domain)
- A1surf.net - (No forum, suspect)
- A1surf.us - (No forum, suspect)
- A5bux.com - (gone)
- Aaaptc.com - (No forum)
- Aabgina.com - (Bux.to script, no has forum)
- Aahits.com - (No forum and not paying)
- Abandbux.com - (Many users are banned from forum, suspicious, not recommended)
- Aceofspadesbux.com - (Buxhost script, derelict)
- Acharaviclicks.info - (No forum, derelict)
- Acmebux.com - (The forum is empty)
- Acompbux.com - (Low script, no forum)
- Activebux.com - (Not paying, and now it disappeared)
- Activeclickers.com - (Last payment prof on forum was on 23.10.08, more complaints on forum)
- Ad-bux.info
- Adbuddy.net - (No forum)
- AdBux10.com
- Adbux.helloweb.eu - (Stay away)
- Adbux.cc - (Scam 100%, derelict, no forum)
- Adbux.org - (No forum)
- Adbux.net2hand.com - (Free domain, no forum, derelict)
- Adcash.org - ($1.00 Per Click, no forum)
- Adclicksptc.com - (Low script, in TOS not write about min. payment, $0.10 per click, the forum: "This board has no forums")
- Addictedclicks.net - (Scammy design, TOS say payout $5, but on script appear $1, The owner have antecedents with hippyptc and wizzardsptc who stop paying)
- Adexbux.com - (Derelict, buxhost)
- Adflasher.net - (No forum)
- Adibux.com - (Gone)
- Admadbux.com - (Free domain)
- Adptc.com - (Not paying all members)
- Ads.hypokill.caecus.co.uk - (Low script, free domain, no forum, stay away)
- Ads-begos.co.cc - (No forum, free domain)
- Ads-bux.com - (Scammy design, No forum, Scam 100%)
- Adsbuilder.info - (Nice design but not have forum)
- Adshow.co.tv - (Scammy design, no forum, free domain, total paid $ 195228)
- Adsensebux.uw.hu - (Scammy design)
- Adsforall.info - (No forum)
- Adshow.co.cc - (Scammy design, free domain, no forum)
- Adshow.eu - (Low script, no forum, not paying)
- Adsnetbux.com - (5ivebux script, the forum link exist but the forum not)
- Adsonlybux.com - (Low script, no forum, Tos: "We have the right to suspend or terminate ...")
- Adspacific.com - (Low script, no forum, no ads)
- Adsptc.co.cc - (Free domain, low script, the forum doesn`t work)
- Adstab.com - (Old Scam)
- AdultBux.info - (Scam 100%)
- Adv-bux.tk - (Scammy design)
- AdverBux.com - (Not paying)
- AdverCash.net - (Not paying)
- Advertising-bux.com - ("Our payout minimum is at $9999999", derelict, low script)
- Advertisementbux.co.cc - (Scam 100%)
- Advertsr.us - (No forum)
- Adversess.com - (Low script, no forum)
- Advisit.net - (Bux.to script)
- Adzblue.com - (Suspicious)
- Adzbux.com - (Low script, you are not allowed to promote this PTC, read more)
- Aebux.com - (Does not pay, gone)
- Aembux.com - (Domain Suspended)
- Aerobux.com - (No forum)
- Aff.si - (No forum, not paying)
- Afferinte.com - ($20 per e-mails, $200 sign-up bonus, payout $10000, no forum)
- Affiliate50bux.com - (Owned by Familybux.com)
- Affiliatedproductnetwork.com - (Low script, no ads, the forum not work)
- Aglocomails.com - ($100 per e-mail, stay away)
- Ahacash.com - (No forum, not paying)
- Ahbux.com - (Not paying, suspended accounts, no support)
- Ahmbux.com - (Low script, in TOS not write about min. payment)
- Aimeebux.com - (Abandoned)
- AirForceClicks.info - (No forum)
- Ajbux.com - (Low script, not paying, ask from altertpay address when register you)
- Al-nojoum.info - (Low script, forum doesn`t work)
- Alaskaptc.info - (No forum, possible derelict)
- Alb-astru-clicks.com - (Low script, in TOS not write about payment, "This forum is closed for now")
- Alertbucks.com - (Scammy design, no forum)
- Alertpaybucks.com - (No forum, low script)
- AlertGoldBux.com
- Alertpayrandomizer.com - (No forum, owner is scammer)
- Alertpayments.com - ($100 per e-mail, $50 ref bonus, no comment)
- Alertpaymoney.eu - (Gen2 script, no forum)
- Alexaclix.com - ($1082 -Total Paid...but this Ptc have few days)
- Alexandrabux.com - (Low script, not paying, possible derelict)
- Alexbux.com - (Low script, no forum)
- Alexsupr.buxsafe.com - (Scammy design, no forum)
- Alexzbux.h4f.biz - (Free domain, free script, no forum)
- Alfabux.com - (Gone)
- alliedbux.com - (Gone) стартовал 2011/06/16
- Allproclicks.com - (Domain Suspended)
- Allstarbux.com - ($10 per click, $10 per referral click, $1000 payout, low script)
- AlienBux.com
- Allybux.com - (Incomplete TOS or FAQ, TOS: "We do not take any responsibility for investments that you make", the forum is full of spam, possible derelict)
- Almightybux.com - ("This Site is temporarily Suspended for non-payment")
- Almondbux.com - ("This domain has been temporarily suspended")
- AlmostHonestPTC.info - (Scammy design)
- Alotofbux.com - (Suspicious)
- Alphabux.com - (Not paying)
- Alwayspay.com
- Aquabux.com - (Scammy design)
- Aqure.com - (Bux.to script, no forum)
- Amazingptc.com - (Not paying, no forum, low script)
- Amazonianbux.com - (Possible derelict, incomplete TOS/FAQ)
- Amdbux.com - (Has the same owner as WarpBux)
- Amerobux.com - (Suspicious)
- Amigoclicks.com - (No forum)
- AmirBux.com - (Low script, no forum)
- Ancestralclicks.org
- Andalucibux.es - (Low script, no forum, derelict, with the title "Andaluci-SCAM-bux", no comment)
- Andbux.net - (Not paying)
- Andreiuk.net - (It`s gone)
- Angel-mails.com - ($2000 signup "bonus", seller of dreams, stay away)
- AngelBux.com - (Old scam)
- Angelclix.info - (No forum)
- Angrybuisnessptc.co.cc - (Free domain, no forum)
- AntiScamBux.com - (Scammy design)
- Aobux.com - (Many complaints about non-payments in their forum, derelict)
- Apbux.com - (gone)
- Apbux.ovh.org - (Free domain, low script, no forum)
- Apinstant.com - (No forum)
- App-bux.com - (Domain Suspended)
- Apple-bizs.com - (Gone)
- Applebux.net - (Forum is empty, suspect)
- Appleptc.info - (Scammy design, no forum)
- Aqbux.com - (Does not pay, possible derelcit)
- Arclicks.com - (Not paying, forum inactive, possible gone)
- Arizonaptc.info - (No forum, possible derelict)
- Ara-bux.com - (Stay away)
- Aresptc.com - (Offline for more than 7 days, possible gone)
- Arbux.net - (Does not pay, no forum)
- Argentinabux.com - (Gone)
- Argenptc.com - (Scammy design)
- Argentinaptc.com.ar - (Free domain, low script, no forum)
- Arkebiz-ptc.com - (Payout is $200.00 and total paid is $7.00, very suspect)
- Arnbux.com - (Their forum is full of spam, suspicious)
- Aromabux.com - (Does not pay, derelict)
- Articlebux.com - (Derelict since 04-2009)
- Artistptc.info - (Not paying, no forum)
- Ashbux.com - (Gone, has the same owner as Andbux.net)
- AsianBux
- Asonewishes.com - ($100 per e-mail, $100000 payout, seller of dreams)
- assolobux.com - (gone)
- Astaurl.com - (Scammy design, no forum)
- Astebey.altervista.org - (Free domain, low script, derelict, $0.05 per click)
- Astralbux.com - (No has forum, has the same owner of fineptc.com, $0.03 per click)
- Asusbux.com - (Low script, make spam)
- Atapamabux.com - (No forum, low script, derelict)
- Atbux.com - Scam 100%)
- Atlascash.net - (Does not pay)
- Atomicbux.com - (Abandoned)
- Atomicptc.com - (No forum)
- Atomixclicks.com - (No forum)
- Auro-bux.com - (Domain Suspended)
- AuroraBux.com - (Low script)
- Austinbux.com - (Low script, no forum, Scam 100%)
- Autopaybux.com - (Not paying, derelict since March, forum is blocked, low script)
- autumnbux.com - (Domain Suspended)
- Avengerbux.com - (Owner is scammer)
- Averyptc.com - (Forum is closed, does not pay)
- Avinute.es - (Low script, no forum)
- Avobux.com - (Gone)
- Awardmails.net - ($100 per e-mail, no has forum)
- Awayinthemangerptc.info - (No forum, $5 per click, no news, derelict)
- Awesomebux.com - (Gone)
- Awsurveys.com
- Ayanbux.com - (Gone)
- Ayoclix.com - (The forum is gone or down, possible derelict)
- Ayotraffic.info - (No have forum)
- AzBux.com - (Not paying, contain more viruses)
- AzBux.net - (Their hosting account has been suspended)
- Aztecbux.com - (Scammy design, derelict, no ads)